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My Life’s journey, Pr James Victor Lubwama
I got saved in 1982, before then I was a ‘cathedral boy’ serving as an Altar Boy at Namirembe Cathedral where I was also singing in the Cathedral Church Choir during the ten o’clock (10AM) service . This was an enjoyable and indeed a memorable experience since being a Choir Member in the Cathedral is/was a prestigious thing. At the same time, I served as an Altar Boy at Nateete Church of Uganda.
We used to pass-by Namirembe Christian Fellowship Church founded by Professor Simeon Kayiwa on our way to the routine choir practice. One day after practice, we decided to go as a group to the Kiwempe (papyrus) church to spy on what happens inside. Personally, I was greatly disturbed by their kind of dancing and singing, it was so different from what we were accustomed to in our Church of Uganda services. Their kind of praise and worship was touching, they sang from the heart, shouted, jumped, danced, and dust rose up because the floor was not cemented. It was a very new experience to me. Little by little I stealthily started attending some services but joining them was unthinkable, at least not for the Cathedral Boy. Little did I know that this was the beginning of my journey to salvation!
I kept on making occasional visits to the church and I would make sure I sit at the back so that I remain unnoticed lest someone who knew me sees me associating with this group of Biwempe people (Born Again Christians) and reports me to our leaders in the Church of Uganda.
What started as occasional visits became frequent, and then I started missing practice in the choir. It was not long before rumors came out that I was seen around Namirembe Christian Fellowship Church. I then started enjoying attending fellowship with them and I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Given that I was staying at Nateete, the distance to Namirembe Christian Fellowship Church was considerably long and hence I joined Pastor Robert Kayanja’s Miracle Center Church which was in close proximity. At Miracle Center I joined The New Wave Band and ministered there for a while as I attended school.
it was during these services that i got my call to be a pastor. One day in vision I saw a hand giving me a bible with few pages opened. The word which was visible to me was EXODUS meaning “coming out”. In the fullness of time God has greatly used me to deliver his people from all sorts of bondage including witchcraft, diseases, and poverty. He has also called me to train me to train the body of Christ to make spiritual war fare
I had never thought and cherished the idea of being a pastor. I had painted my own picture and mapped out what I wanted to be. In my own wisdom I had decided to continue attending church services, do some assignments as delegated by church leaders and carry on just like any other born again Christian.
My first call into service was at the World Trumpet Mission (where I served as an Associate Pastor under the leadership of Pastor John Mulinde for two and a half years. While I was still serving at Trumpet Center Church, I got a call from God to independently go into His service, the Lord was sending me elsewhere. Apparently, God was sending me back to my home village to complete the His work I had started there.
I went into a period of fasting and praying to seek God for direction. Thankfully, this didn’t take long since I received the answer on the first day. The Lord sent me to a certain old lady by the name of Jajja Milly Bunjjo who I had pastored a few years back. The Lord told me to go and tell her that, “He had instructed me to start a church”.
I didn’t know why the Lord was sending me to this lady but the bible says
“Isaiah 46:10- 11 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.”
Without hesitation, I went in search for this Lady lest I disobey the voice of God. I was able to trace her residence at Bulaga off Mityana Road. When I gave her Gods’ message, she was in awe. “I am not a Pastor to help you in your missions, why has the Lord sent you to me?” Ms. Bunjjo wondered. However, she immediately remembered that she had a piece of land which she had pledged to give to God. “All I have is a piece of land which I pledged to give to God, maybe it is time now that I surrender it to Him”. My obedience to go to Ms. Bunjjo was at the same time a fulfillment of her desire to offer to God a designated piece of land.. She wrote me a note to take to her immediate relatives (Mr. & Mrs. Katumba) who were also the custodians of the land informing them that she had given to God her piece of land in Nangabo and that I was free to start a church on that land. Mrs. Katumba exclaimed saying “I have always dreamt a church in that bush/forest, now it is coming to pass”. Her statement was another confirmation of God’s word to me and the fact that he had sent me in that place. It is on this land that Miracle Christian Fellowship Church is seated today!
It is during this time that I met a group of 5 people who told me that they had been praying to God to establish a church in Nangabo since they were moving long distances to attend fellowships. They had even talked to some Pastors, like Pastor Robert Kayanja, who comforted them saying that the one who will start a church in that place is yet to come and will come from a particular direction, pointing to the direction of my home area. This was another confirmation that God had sent me Nangabo for this work.
The land required a lot of work and time to clear the bushes. Our neighours, Mr. & Mrs. Katumba offered their home for us to fellowship. On 4th August 1996 with about 15 people, the church was launched. Miracle Christian Fellowship Ministry (MCFM) is currently situated in Nangabo Village, Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District. The church was registered in 2008 by the NGO Board as a Ministry to benefit the entire body of Christ. We also realized the need to extend and spread the gospel through evangelism, counseling and guidance, prayer, bible teaching, extending a helping hand, acts of charity, and fellowship as the Lord leads. Thus, it expanded from a church to a ministry in order to take care of those inherent needs.
We are now 25 years + into ministry. God has been faithful in performing His Word. He has taken us step by step and each step has been a miracle. He got us from far and He is still taking us far.
Proverbs 16.19
9 A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure
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